Mole Removal Strategies To Consider

facial mole removal

Nobody likes moles, and most people try to get rid of them through any means; ergo, try your best to think about a safe procedure that won’t put your health in any jeopardy.

If you want to remove your mole surgically, you should know that there are two available procedures, excision wit cauterization, when the mole is burned and simple excision, which can be with stitches, or not.


Furthermore, another solution is laser treatment, but it is not suitable for the deeper moles, because it cannot reach too deeply into the tissue. Still, if you visit a specialized dermatologist, he will recommend you a certain procedure, after he has considered your personal needs and requirements. People usually refer to a mole as a skin irregularity which has a dark color.

Anyway, not all the irregularities existent on our skin are moles, and these dark-colored marks can be blood vessels, keratosis, birth marks or simple skin marks, and they all present unique particularities, and needs to be treated individually. Also, moles appear for numerous reasons and you should have nothing to be scared about. Usually moles exist on our skin since we are born, but in some situations they develop after a period of time. You probably did not know, but sun exposure plays a huge role in the expansion of a mole, and the hereditary role cannot be minimized either.

Many families present a specific type of mole, which is called dysplastic, and it is usually associated with skin cancer. Mole removal on face surgeries can be dangerous because they can leave behind unattractive scars. Generally, people remove their moles because they do not look well, but they do not consider the risk of scaring. Therefore, it is crucial to ask your dermatologist for further details about the surgery, and find out if the remaining scar will be permanent. At the beginning of the surgery your moles and the area around it will be sedated with Xylocaine Jelly, Lidocaine, Bactine or Lidoderm.

This should not take too long, but probably your doctors will prefer to wait for about half an hour to make sure that the blood flow to the area has decreased. The procedure itself implies that the mole is being cut off from under the level of skin, with a scalpel. Afterwards, they will use either a special solution, or an electrical instrument to stop the bleeding in the area.
Next, he will place an antibiotic on the wound to prevent infections, and then will provide you with the necessary instructions, in order to take care of it. In most cases it is advisable to undergo an excision surgery if you have a flat mole, of a darker color. You doctor will know exactly how to sterilize and numb your mole, in order to remove it safely. Then he will cut the mole, as well as a portion of the surrounding area. The doctor is the only one who can decide how much skin needs to cu cut off. For instance, if you have a cancerous mole, the surgeon will be forced to cut a wide portion of your skin, in order to make sure that the disease does not spread.

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